Physics Games and Physics-Based Game Downloads

Sleepytime Server Speeds

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 by Matthew in News

It appears Fun-Motion has been Dugg–by Kevin Rose himself, no less–which caught me a little off guard. I shored up a few things on the server and things should be much faster now, though. My apologies for any slowness you may have experienced!

Also, if you’re new here and coming in on the physics game list, keep in mind there are also some interviews with various physics game developers available here.

And finally, I should have some actual free time again starting next week, so look forward to a bunch of new reviews!

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7 Responses to 'Sleepytime Server Speeds'

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  1. Verners said,

    on October 18th, 2006 at 11:37 pm

    Looking forward for some new reviews.

    Some word of the ski stunt sim level editor? Is the guy that started it still making it, or did he lose interest, or has no time? Or it has been finished and i totaly missed it?

  2. loquacious said,

    on October 19th, 2006 at 4:03 am

    You’re about to be MetaFiltered, as well. ;)

  3. loquacious said,

    on October 19th, 2006 at 5:20 am

    And it is so:

    Thanks for the well populated list and reviews. Hopefully I’ll have more suggestions for you in a day or two.

  4. Beakless said,

    on October 19th, 2006 at 8:24 am

    Go Matt! Go Matt! Go Matt!

    You rock!

  5. Alex said,

    on October 19th, 2006 at 9:01 am

    congrats on the digg

  6. Matteo said,

    on October 19th, 2006 at 12:33 pm

    and boom, is website #17,975 today! :)

  7. Ballroy said,

    on October 25th, 2006 at 1:29 am

    Nice. I’ve been googling all thinkable variations of “physics based games” for years now… No more of that anymore…

    Like the videos. Nice choice too.. No crappy games with a bit of physics thrown in for effects, like Half Life 2. Stay true to your style..

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