Physics Games and Physics-Based Game Downloads

Heading Out of Town for E3

Monday, May 8th, 2006 by Matthew in News

I’m flying out to the E3 expo in Los Angeles tomorrow, so I probably won’t be able to update the site until my return on Saturday. If you’re going to be a the show, though, feel free to stop by and say hi. I’ll be showing off our upcoming Flashbang Studios game, Potion Motion.

Potion Motion Screenshot
(Potion Motion Game Screenshot)

Kentia Hall Booth #6453

We’re there as a finalist in the ECD Systems Independent Game Developers Showcase along with three other developers (including 21-6 Productions for their physics game TubeTwist). We’ll be in the Kentia Hall, Booth #6453. Hope to see you there!

Game Developer’s Conference 2006

Friday, March 17th, 2006 by Matthew in News

Hey everyone! Anyone keeping careful count probably noticed the site drop from three updates per week to two. Fear not, it will go back to three/week soon–the reduced activity has been due to preparation for this year’s Game Developer’s Conference. I’ll try to update next week during the actual show, but more than likely I’ll be completely swamped with other activities.

Feel free to stop by and say hello if you’ll be attending the GDC this year. One of our company’s casual games, Glow Worm, is nominated in the Independent Games Festival for art and audio this year. You can find me at our booth in the IGF pavilion when I’m not in a meeting.

New Page: List of Physics Games

Monday, February 13th, 2006 by Matthew in News

I added a new page available from the sidebar of the site: List of Physics Games. It’s an index of all of the games reviewed so far on the site. For those of you just discovering Fun-Motion this is a great way to look over all of the old posts at a glance.

Also new are the Related Posts links and the social bookmarking quick links for those of you who use, Digg, or one of the other online bookmark sites.

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