Microsoft Planning “Direct Physics” for DirectX?
This has been rumored for awhile, but according to a recent article at ExtremeTech, Microsoft is still planning on adding a Direct Physics API to DirectX. They cite this job posting at Microsoft, which mentions:
The Windows Graphics and Gaming Technology group is looking for a software design engineer to join a growing team responsible for developing Direct Physics. This team is responsible for delivering a great leap forwards in the way game developers think about integrating Physics into their engines. Physics and real time, accurate simulation is a key part of the next generation gaming experience, bringing increased realism, greater immersion and more interesting experiences.
It would make sense for Microsoft to get involved in standardizing an API now that Ageia’s PhysX hardware is actually on the market. A year ago I had heard that Ageia would open up their API in a bid at making it the industry standard, but I guess that never panned out. Microsoft has made no official announcement regarding a Physics API in DirectX, either, so perhaps it’s merely R&D. Anyone have more information?
Get Ready for New Content!
Hey Everyone,
I’m back from Australia, unpacked, caught up on email, and ready to roll with the site (well, that, and this nagging thing called work). I’m looking forward to getting back to regular updates with a host of new reviews, interviews, and some articles on physics-based game design.
I also want to call your attention to the donation page I added today. Before you rail against me for the commercialization of a hobby, let me explain my reasoning: I only have so much time. Obviously, I need to spend some of that time on income-generating activities so I can pay rent, buy groceries, and upgrade my unicycles. The more income I can generate from Fun-Motion the more time I can displace from other work, which means more video reviews, interviews, and content for Fun-Motion.
And again, if you have any physics game suggestions please just email me. I have a few interesting games in the queue that have been suggested by readers. Thanks!
Heading Down Under!
I’m heading out of town again tomorrow–this time to Australia for 9 days to train a Virtools reseller. I won’t be able to review any of the games you guys have been suggesting until my return, although I’m hoping to post some interviews while I’m over there. Look for some new reviews after I get back!
Traffic has been steadily increasing since the Armadillo Run review despite a lack of new posts. So if you’re new here, welcome! Make sure you check out the list of physics games for a handy index of all 35 physics game reviews.
Also, if you happen to live in Melbourne drop me a line; I’m looking for something to do next weekend.