Physics Games and Physics-Based Game Downloads

iPhone Physics Games Launch in July

Monday, June 9th, 2008 by Matthew in News

Apple announced details for its new 3G iPhone at their WWDC event, as well as pricing and details for some initial game slated to launch on the new iTunes App Store for iPhone and iPod Touch owners. Given that both devices feature a tilt sensor, and the hardware specs are pretty beefy, it’s likely that we’ll see some great physics games emerge.

My own company, Flashbang Studios–creator of Raptor Safari and Jetpack Brontosaurus–is a registered iPhone developer. The engine we use, Unity, has also announced intentions to bring their technology to the iPhone.

Games shown at WWDC today included an iPhone version of Sega’s Super Monkey Ball, as well as a mobile version of Pangea’s Mac OS physics-based puzzle game Enigmo (Mac footage shown here):

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