Physics Games and Physics-Based Game Downloads

Walaber Releases Wii Game – For PC

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007 by Matthew in News

Tim FitzRandolph, aka Walaber, has released a Beta version of Wiisticks, a wiimote-powered PC game. The game uses two wiimotes–or one wiimote with nunchuck–to control a set of devil sticks. I haven’t checked it out yet, myself, but I will sometime this week. It looks difficult, but that’s to be expected if you’ve ever tried to play with devil sticks in real life. They’re squirrely little bitches.

All you need is the Wii equipment and a Windows PC with Bluetooth (most laptops will have Bluetooth support). Walaber’s using the cWiiMote library to make this happen.

You can download the beta release on Walaber’s Wiisticks page. Post your impressions in comments if you give it a try!

Server Move

Saturday, January 6th, 2007 by Matthew in News

I just finished up moving Fun-Motion to a new server. It had been creeping up on the transfer quota at the old pace; there’s a silly amount of processing power and bandwidth behind it now. I ironed a few problems with some plugins, but if you see something acting strangely, or if the site is slower than before, please drop me a line.

To head this off at the pass, feel free to joke about how something is wrong with the site: the lack of new reviews. I know!

Anyway, I wish everyone the best of luck in 2007. For anyone keeping track, Fun-Motion turns one year old on Wednesday (January 10th).

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